Google Integration (Calendar & Meet)

Connect your Google account to Ethnio to do either create Calendar invites or generate Meetings. Keep in mind we require seperate authorization for Google Calendar or Google Meet , so you can connect one or both of those scopes from Google. The basic functionality is below:


✅ Create calendar invites for participants on your calendar

✅ Separate observer calendar invites with no P.I.I.

✅ See blocked times from one or more of your calendars in Ethnio

✅ Check for conflicts and automatically hide times you are busy from participants 


✅ Dynamically create Google Meetings on your calendar, reschedule them, etc

✅ Use the special Google Calendar field for Google Meetings instead of location fieldA

More about Calendar Invites

This can help with show rates and internal visibility for getting your team to attend sessions. Works with 1:1, Group, Backup, and MSM sessions. Sections in this article:

  1. Installation
  2. Options
  3. How to Test
  4. Problems connecting? Common errors & fixes
  5. Collaborators


To get started, head to Account > Integrations and then select either Google Calendar or Google Meet and then Connect New Google Account

One cool thing – you can connect your Google account so that as many team members and studies you'd like to use it can, once you've authorized Ethnio. This means you can have one or more shared Google Accounts like that your security might authorize for use with Ethnio.

Now you'll need to select the Google account you'd like to use


And here comes the most important part, which may look different depending on the security settings on your Google account, particularly at large organizations. You may need to request permission from your security/IT team before being allowed to continue.


Selecting a Calendar for GCal

The last step for Google Calendar is to choose the calendar in your Google account you'd like to use for calendar invites. Note you can use a different calendar for collaborator invites, and you should see any calendar that Google lists under My Calendars, which means if you have write permission then you can use it in Ethnio.


You've now authorized 🎉🎉🎉 It's time to turn on the calendar invites and setup options.

Using Google Calendar or Google Meetings in a Study

Head to scheduling > calendar > facilitators & locations by clicking on the pencil icon on the left sidebar. You'll be able to selection Google Meet as the location and turn on calendar invites according to the details below:

Participant Calendar Invites

This is mainly for the facilitator and can't really be shared unless you use a shared Google calendar. It contains PII and your participant will see the content of the calendar invite on their calendar. Location is synced automatically with scheduling emails, so if you setup a Zoom here it will also be reflected as [Location] in any emails or reminders. The idea is if you have other attendees, the participant shouldn't see them, which is why we've created a separate collaborators tab (more on that below).


Observer Calendar Invites 

This is a separate calendar event that the participant never sees so you can send to anyone you'd like, and typically it doesn't contain PII about the participants. This can either be something you put on a shared internal calendar or add guests. This way you could invite 100 observers and say something like "YOU MUST WATCH THIS AMAZING RESEARCH SESSION," without worrying the participant will see that.

How to Test: Autofill Sample Participant

The logical first thing you'll want to do is make sure calendar events show up on your GCal. Don't waste time filling out a screener with your own email, instead use this quick feature.

Longer Testing Instructions: If you want to use your own email

Step 1: Create some interview spots in the future from scheduling >> calendar 

Step 2: Open up the screener from Preview or the link using the shortcut at the top of your screen

Step 3: Fill out the screener and be very careful to use a unique secondary email that is not the same as your Google account and you haven't already used in Ethnio. In other words, if your Google account is you need to use when filling out the screener, and if you are trying multiple times, each time use a different participant email like or

This is the biggest source of testing errors - using the same email your Google calendar uses or not using a real email you have access to

Step 4: Confirm Manually for speed's sake, so click on the Potential Recruits to Invite >> Confirm  

Step 5: Check Feed & Calendar for Calendar Invite, where you should see bo


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