Selecting a screener and turning a screener on or off

Make sure you're always working on the right Screener in Ethnio by looking at the top right of Ethnio to see your screener name in every area except Pool, which includes all Screeners. Think of Screener as "Project" or "Study."

Upper right hand corner of any page in ethnio, hover over the "utility nav screener shortcut" current screener chosen, and you can check if it's on or off from anywhere while signed into your ethnio account. To turn a screener on or off just click the toggle with "On" or "Off. See screenshot below:




Another way to think about this is that screener=project, in Ethnio language. You are always inside an active project, no matter what you're doing in Ethnio. So always always double-check the top-right screener navigation to make sure you're in the right one.

And in order for people to view the screener it will have to be turned ON. There are a few different places you can turn it on and off. See above for the first place. The second is below. One note turning off or on your screener will never affect your confirmed participants in scheduling

On your ethnio Screener dashboard ( screeners >> overview), rollover the blue pencil icon: 



The last place is at the bottom of the Publish page (Screeners>>Publish)


NOTE: If you're using the timer or limiter, those will override the on or off. Read more about timer here and the limiter (automatic shut-off) here.


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