Settings for Scheduling

There is a gold mine of options for controlling your scheduling workflow in ethnio. While the amount of settings may seem a bit intense at first, its a powerful way to modify and manage various types of scenarios and participant touch points in the scheduling experience. Go to  scheduling >> settings to get started. The basic sections in settings are:

  1. Adding researchers to receive schedule upate emails
  2. International Support
  3. Email Rules for Participants
  4. Rescheduling
  5. Picking Times
  6. Custom Language

And here are some common scenarios for each section and how to change them:

Adding researchers/collaborators to receive scheduling updates

Get your stakeholders to receive updates on select participants' who confirm, cancel, or reschedule. This works well in combination with subscribing to a calendar.  

International Support

Choose the time and date format your participants see when selecting a scheduling slot. 

Email Rules for Participants

Prevent Duplicates from being able to book a time, decide whether manually confirmed participants get their details email, and combine group and single email invites into a single template.

Participant-Initiated Rescheduling

Allow participants to cancel or reschedule in a given window of time, or pick "never" to disable it altogether. This is less work then removing rescheduling links from all the scheduling emails and reminders. Keep in mind this does not change your ability to reschedule participants or ask them to pick a different time - this only restricts their ability to reschedule themselves.

If you'd like participants who reschedule to not be automatically confirmed, turn the toggle off. You can also edit the text they see if they try to reschedule outside the window you've defined.

Picking Times

Allow participants to choose up to any number of scheduling slots. 


Customize what language your participants see throughout their scheduling experience. 

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