Incentive Activity and Export

You can see all your incentive orders here, setup email reports, and even create global payment limits on how much any single recipient can receive per year. The main things you can do on this page are:

  • Check status of any reward (Redeemed, Email Sent, Opened, etc)
  • Resend reward emails
  • Redeem Link
  • Cancel rewards that have not been redeemed
  • Export Data to a CSV, but keep in mind the date range will be applied, so make sure to set the date range first before you export.
  • Email Reports where you can get notified of weekly or monthly spending
  • Limits - that allows you to cap spending per recipient per calendar year

Status Terms

  • Email Sent – rewards email was sent to the recipient 
  • Opened – the redeem link was opened. 
  • Redeemed – payment method selected and 2nd email with reward sent
  • Created – reward has been created 
  • Suspicious - flagged by security

Please note if you an asterisk next to any status, for example, Opened*, it means that the system helped with that reward. Could be a support request or we re-issued it for a recipient or a number of support scenarios.

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