Responses >> List ✨

The Responses page is where you can filter, sort, export, and share any respondents to your screener:

Here are the main updates with this latest version:

  • 🗓 Schedule respondents from Responses without going to calendar, one at a time
  • ☎️ SMS any respondent one at a time (for scheduling issues, follow up questions, etc)
  • 🛁 Pool integration for Enterprise customers you can see Pool tags and go straight to Pool
  • 🔗 Share potential or confirmed participants with collaborators - this replaces Get Feedback
  • 🔎 Improved Filters with a better UX and improved performance
  • ✨ Sparkling New Design with more consistent actions, modals, and sub-pagemceclip0.png
  • 🚀 Generally Fast Performance with vastly improved load times for up to 500,000 responses.

Click here to learn about Response Filters

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