Zoom Integration

Connect your Zoom account to Ethnio to automatically create a new Zoom Meeting (or Webinar!) from your Zoom account, including password support, for each confirmed participant. This can help with security or to help ensure no participants join the wrong meeting. Works with 1:1, Group, Backup, and MSM sessions. Sections in this article are as follows:

  1. Installation: How to Connect Zoom
  2. Uninstallation 
  3. How to Test 
  4. Problems connecting? Common issues
  5. Backup & Group Sessions


One huge benefit of using the Zoom integration is your stakeholders can access Zoom meeting URLs and passwords from your shared testing calendar they can subscribe to from gCal, Outlook, or iCal. Because there are fewer security risks to single Zoom meetings in a shared calendar, and Zoom has its own security model, we can include location for stakeholders. The PII of participants will still be obscured: 


Installation: How to Connect Zoom

Please verify you have administrative access in your Zoom account, and if you're planning on using Zoom Webinars to hide attendees from participants, make extra sure you have purchased the Zoom Webinars product in your Zoom account. Then follow these steps: 

  1. Head to integrations >> zoom and select the Connect Zoom (see screenshot below)  
  2. Select a screener which is basically the project you'd like to assign the Zoom integration to in order to get started
  3. Authorize the Ethnio Zoom application  - don't forget to check the single checkbox

That's it! You should see this message, and see the section below on "how to test" for the next steps.


When you authorize the Ethnio Zoom App to connect to your Zoom account, this is how to configure and test each scope requested:

  1. Meeting - Ethnio uses meeting:write to add/remove meetings to your Zoom account when a participant confirms or cancels their scheduled research interview time.  
  2. Webinar - Ethnio uses webinar:write to do the same things as above, but if you've selected webinars and have that product associated with your Zoom account.
  3. User - Ethnio uses user:read to read and refresh the OAuth token and authorization.

How to Test Automatic Zoom Meetings or Webinars

The quickest way to test Ethnio creating an automatic Zoom Meeting or Webinar from your Zoom account is to schedule yourself and confirm your session. Here are step by step instructions:

Step 1: Scheduling > Calendar > Facilitator 

Head to Scheduling >> Calendar and open the Facilitators modal, then head to location and set it to Zoom Meeting. Please note you need to be the facilitator, so in our screenshot Melissa Sandbox is the facilitator. Make sure that you Add Facilitator, and select yourself if you don't see yourself. Then set the location to zoom meeting.

Step 2: Autofill a Fake Participant

After you close the facilitator modal above, look for any Interview spot or add them if none are present. Click an interview spot, then the small Autofill Icon in the top right, which will generate a make-believe participant:

Step 3: Confirm 

Click the blue Confirm button for your make believe participant. You may be asked for SMS or Email communication preferences - it's all fake so you can just hit send if you are asked.

You're done 🎉 

You should now see a generated Zoom Meeting for that make believe participant, and you can even try the New Meeting ID to refresh the meeting to a new one.


Uninstallation instructions

To remove any Zoom integration from your Ethnio account, you have two options -  follow these steps inside Ethnio:

  1. Go to account >> integrations and select Zoom.
  2. Optionally first click disconnect next to any listed screeners
  3. Remove Integration which will remove Zoom from all associated screeners

Full removal from Zoom

To perform a complete removal, uninstall the Ethnio Zoom application from your zoom marketplace with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Zoom account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace, which is currently here: marketplace.zoom.us/user/installed
  2. Click Manage >> Installed Apps or search for the Ethnio app
  3. Click the Ethnio app
  4. Click Uninstall 

Having problems connecting? Common issues

If you're unable to get Zoom connected to Ethnio, here are some things to check:

  • Can you login to your Zoom account successfully at zoom.us/signin ? We have to start there. Watch out for their Captcha.

  • Participants don't have Zoom installed? No problem, they can join through the browser. See steps here: https://help.ethn.io/hc/en-us/articles/360060109511
  • Does your Zoom account have authorization to add apps like Ethnio? Check the Zoom Manage Apps page here to see if you can see any installed apps: marketplace.zoom.us/user/installed If you have a corporate account or large team you may need to contact your administrator

  • Using Webinars? Make sure you have that product in your account. Zoom charges extra for Webinars, and Ethnio can only create dynamic Zoom Webinars if you have that in your plan.

Backups & Group Sessions

Unique Zoom meetings will be created for each backup session and for one group session. In other words, if you have a group of 5 participants, they will all get the same Zoom meeting for that time. The most important things to remember  if you have separate backup and/or group session details turned on, verify the [Location] variable is being used.

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