Combo Filters

If you want to create a filter on multiple screener questions you can use the combo filter found inside the +Add Filter panel by typing a string of text you might use over and over in multiple screeners or CSV columns:


You'll be able to access information that is scattered across all your different data sources. This way you don't have to string together multiple versions of the same question that are worded differently across all your sources. 


1. Search by the column result you want to filter across. Be sure to use only the word/s that exist in all possible questions. E.g. for "Are you available for a study next week?" search by the words "are you available," that way you won't get results for answers that include other characters like " 5) Are you interested in participating in a study at our office here in Redmond?" You can then click +Create a Combo Filter from the top right.



2. This then gives you the option to search CSV columns or Screener Questions that include or exclude the word "interesting."

Type the result you want to filter across and click Next.



3. Select the type of conditions for this filter - the most popular is "select answers"



This will give you all the answers that contained "yes" to questions across multiple screeners containing the word "Interested."


More about CSV Column Combo Filters

Let's say search across all your uploaded CSV columns containing the phrase "can we contact you," and then answer contains "yes," as a way to show all opt-ins. If you happen to have a participant with the email or name "yes," like, that member will still show up even if they answered "no," to the question "can we contact you."

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