All about study invites ✉️

Never leave a study to send a mass invite to Pool audiences, and save content per invite not per pool template

These are identical to Pool email distributions, but with the added benefit of existing inside a study for personalization and tracking. This means you can compose a draft using existing Pool email templates, and save an audience using Pool filters, sources, and segments. This will only be saved inside a study.

Benefits of study invites

Buttons and links are locked to the right study. Impossible to have a missing or wrong button.

🚪 Never leave your study to send mass emails, with identical functionality to pool distribution

🚀 Faster than sending a pool distribution (2 clicks vs 9+ clicks)

💾 Content saved inside a study instead of over-writing Pool email templates

💅 10+ New personalization options by study (see below)

🔀 Advanced audiences include batches, random subsets, follow ups and high limit of emails as Pool distributions

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