Batch and random subsets for study invites or Pool emails

For either a Study Invite where you've selected a group of people to email or a Pool email doing the same thing, you have three options for how to email the selected audience:

  1. Everyone
  2. Batch
  3. Random subset

Audience vs Batch or Subset

In order to send follow ups, batches, and multiple random subsets, we save your total original audience for each distribution or study. This allows you to return to the same audience for future outreach. So let's say that number is 1,000 participants:

After you selected those 1,000 people based on segments, filters, or sources, but only email a batch to the first 100, the total audience remains 1,000. That way you can come back and send the next batch or next random subset. You can still send a follow-up to a subset of the first 100 as well (for example, if 20 people never opened the email).

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