Study IDs, Screener Links, External IDs and Study Links 🤯

In studies, if you're logged into Ethnio, you'll see the same Study ID in your browser address bar as when you open up a study link:

That Study ID will also show up on studies > overview.

What participants see

With studies, you have to setup a subdomain for your default brand, and all study links will use that. You can also setup multiple subdomains for different brands. Let's say you work for Central Perk Cafe, and you setup your subdomain in Ethnio as The study link will be:

What happens to screener links?

If you're using screeners or legacy screeners inside studies, you can absolutely continue to use those. They will be a different ID than a Study ID, which doesn't cause any issues.

tldr; screener links will always continue to work

So you can continue to use those links, or if you select a new study type like 1:1 interviews, then the study links will automatically be used which are

External IDs

If you enable optional External Study ID, you can also add your own IDs from your organization that will show up in smart search and quick study changer:

So now you can see that External ID everywhere you see the Study Name:

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