Segment Folders

If you have more than 10 segments in Pool, you might find it helpful to use folders to organize segments. This could be by team, product area, location, study, or anything you find useful across your whole team. Head to the bottom left segment area >> the ... button to add a segment folder:


Then you can of course name it anything you'd like:


There are two ways to get segments into a folder. The fastest is to rollover any segment name in the bottom left segment area. You'll see three dots (⋮) on the right:


Click those dots and then move to folder:


The second way is when you're saving a segment simply select a folder:


Order of segments inside folders

Keep in mind that when you drag and drop segments inside a folder to change the order, it will show that order for everyone in your organization. This is a bit different than the order of segments inside "All Segments," which is unique to your account. 

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