Pool Groups 👥
The Groups feature is designed to streamline how you import, recruit, and manage participants who are organized into various roles within groups, such as companies, families, or other organizations. This feature is particularly beneficial when you need to navigate through gatekeepers ⚠️, gather permissions, or coordinate with multiple individuals associated with a single participant.
Heads up Groups requires an Enterprise plan. Talk to us to learn more.
Key Benefits of Groups ✨
🏷️ Role Definition: Assign specific roles to individuals within a group, such as managers, legal teams, or administrative contacts. This ensures that communications are directed to the appropriate person responsible for scheduling, approvals, or participation.
✉️ Email groups with personalization per role and CC stakeholders: Pick the type of role to email and CC within study invites, scheduling, and more.
💰 Also CC by Role for Scheduling and Payments: Create separate plans for which roles should be scheduled and paid an incentive.
Implementing Groups in Ethnio 🔧
If you have an Enterprise plan, drop us a line to get started with groups.
1️⃣ Define Group Properties: Organize columns and attributes that you import into Ethnio so participants are grouped in away that reflect their real-world associations.
2️⃣ Assign Roles: Within each group, designate roles to individuals based on their responsibilities, ensuring that communications and tasks are appropriately directed.
3️⃣ Setup study communication for groups: Inside a study, tell Ethnio exactly which roles within your group should get the initial study invite, schedule sessions, and handle payments, all while navigating through necessary permissions and approvals efficiently.
By leveraging Groups in Ethnio, you can reduce a ton of administrative overhead 📉, ensure efficient coordination with gatekeepers and complex VIP participants 🎯, and focus on gathering valuable insights from the right participants.
📖 Need more details? Check out our blog post on groups for an in-depth look!