Locking Pool Segments

Any Ethnio account owner or admin can lock or unlock segments, when clicking save segment.

This prevents anyone else on the team from modifying the segment in any way, including filters or sources. You'll notice a small lock next to any locked segment name 🔒

New participants that match that segment will still continue to be added to that segment, so it's not locked from new participants. It's only locked from being modified. You can also still drag a locked segment inside a folder, which will change the order of segments for everyone. Alternatively, the order of segments in "All Segments" is set per team member individually.

Tldr; you have your own order of segments for the top level, but inside folders the order of segments is the same for your whole team.

Are the segments still dynamic? Yes

Locking a segment still allows new participants to dynamically appear in that segment. It only means nobody can accidentally mess up the filters or sources.


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