Smart Attributes ⚡️

The main difference between regular Pool Attributes and Smart Attributes is that smart attributes are automatically populated from new study or screener responses and always store the latest value.

Types of Smart Attributes

The types of Smart Attributes in Pool are below, and they all basically update from multiple sources to the latest value.

1️⃣ Name

The full name of each participant will be automatically updated by the name field in any screener or survey, as well as a full name being imported via CSV/XLSX or API.

2️⃣ Location

When a participant fills out any screener in your Ethnio account, their location is recorded via GeoIP. That GeoIP location updates their profile in Pool so that you can filter on location and automatically see the latest location for any participant.

3️⃣ Phone

This field will be updated by any new study or screener response that includes a phone number field, as well as any Pool upload or API import that has a phone column to . their Pool profile will automatically show that phone number.

Tldr; any time a participant responds with a new name, location (via GeoIP or upload), or phone, their unique Pool participant record will update to the latest value. There

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