Pay Participants

In order to pay participants, create or select a study from studies > overview. You can create studies for compensation-only if you only need to issue incentives. Keep in mind all the payment method settings and redeem pages are set per study.

From inside a single study, these are the sections under Pay Participants

  • Overview
  • Study Activity
  • Redeem Pages
  • Emails
  • Payment Methods
  • Localization

How is Pay Participants different from Incentives?

The main incentives navigation item at the top of Ethnio contains information about all studies. Things like transaction history and activity across all studies are not particular to just one study, like the above areas. Please note your permission to access studies will control what you see in incentives. These are the main sections:

  • Activity for all studies
  • Transaction history for all studies
  • Credit card billing (also available from account > billing)

You can request invoices and manage them from both places.

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