Availability & Check for Conflicts

If you or anyone you invite as a collaborator connects their calendar account (Google or Outlook) to Ethnio, you can automatically see their blocked times to be able to have Ethnio only schedule interviews when they are available. This can be facilitators, observers, or collaborators for your study.

Head to scheduling > availability to set things up. You'll see anyone with an existing connected calendar account noted in the +Add dropdown:

If you want to invite someone new to connect their calendar account, just enter their email. As long as you have collaborator or team seats available, they can receive a request to connect their calendar to Ethnio. You'll also have a ton of control over the invite they receive. You can even send a custom heads up before they get the invite to Ethnio.

Permissions & Accounts

Any account in Ethnio can connect up to 3 Google accounts and 3 Outlook accounts, and select calendars for check for conflicts within each account. The account owner, admins, and screener leads will be able to setup check for conflicts and select calendars for any team members or collaborators with a connected calendar. 

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