Capturing Disqualified Responses

If you use qualifying questions in a screener, you may want to capture respondents who are disqualified. You can totally do that, but keep in mind that disqualified responses only contain answers gathered up until that question and page. Anything you ask after that will always be blank. So for example:

  1. Are you comfortable in outer space? Radio Button 
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. Do you like fruit? Qualifying Question
    1. Yes
    2. No (🚫 disqualified) 
  3. What do you think about capybaras? Single line open-ended 

Where exactly potential participants drop off with qualifying questions

For anyone that is disqualified, you'll get their answers to all questions that were completed until the disqualifying answer. So in the example above, Q1 and Q2, but not Q3.

See exactly the answer that disqualified a potential participants with the little red x icon

You'll see exactly which question disqualified a respondent, and then everything after that will be blank:


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