Creating and testing webhooks

If you're getting started with webhooks, the first step is to add a webhook inside account > integrations > webhooks. Here are the detailed steps

  1. Before you add a webhook, make sure you have a listener setup to capture requests
  2. Enter a name that's only visible for you inside of Ethnio
  3. Enter a Webhook URL from your listener in Step 1
  4. Select one or more event types. If you want to differentiate events by URL, it's best to do one event type. That way it's pretty clear (per name of the webhook and the URL) which event is being used. If you only want one webhook URL to receive events, then select multiple event types.


  1. Create the event that you selected above. E.g., if you used New Response, then fill out any screener and make sure to have an email field
  2. Save the event
  3. You'll now see a Test Webhook Button - click that
  4. Check if you received request from Ethnio on your listener 

Looking at test in activity

Head back to the individual webhook > activity, and you'll notice your event with a small "test" designation:

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