NDA & Consent Forms

Here are three ways to approach consent in Ethnio, starting with the most common.

Approach 1) Use Consent in Ethnio during Scheduling

To add a consent page to your screener or study, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your consent page by going to Home > Consent.

    Ethnio has a centralized consent module which allows you to:

    1. Integrate your DocuSign account with Ethnio and show PowerForms directly to participants during the scheduling confirmation flow
    2. Paste an Adobe Sign link to embed in the scheduling flow
    3. Build a consent form in Ethnio with checkboxes and signature block in our consent builder
  2. Navigate to your screener or study and go to Scheduling > Pages.
  3. Toggle on “Require Consent from Participants”, which will allow you to select the consent page from the dropdown menu. You can also add multiple consent pages to the same study if needed.

Note: this requires participants to provide consent before being confirmed for their session.

Approach 2) In the Screener

Consent can be managed via a screener sign up link, with some language directing participants to the company’s legal terms and conditions or privacy statement.  E.g. “By taking part in this survey, you agree to the Acme.com Privacy Statement.”

This can also be part of a screener qualifying question, forcing participants to agree to the terms separately (with checkboxes or radio buttons etc). That way, only consenting participants will qualify as a valid response to be scheduled in Ethnio. For example:

This will only go to participants who you've selected to participate, and have confirmed. Most of our customers use DocuSign or something similar to generate a URL that the participants have to digitally sign/complete before the research session starts.

Approach 3) Double Opt In with Pool

With access to Pool (Enterprise-Only), you can setup an Automation to send an email immediately to each respondent that fills out a screener with a "yes" to your initial opt-in question. It can then include both a "double opt in" button to confirm they received the email as well as a link to any NDA or other online consent link (DocuSign, etc).

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