
If you support multiple roles in your organization for participant management, the collaborator role can be a great way to invite people on your team to your Ethnio account with extremely limited functionality and a lot of guard rails. This is only available on Enterprise plans by request.

This role type is intended to help our customers better support researchers who may not have time to manage participant recruiting themselves, as well as support democratization of research requests from PMs, designers, or any internal stakeholders involved in research requests. Collaborators can do any of the following:

  • ✅ Set and modify schedule availability with "edit" permissions to a screener. Note that "view" permission will hide the schedule module altogether for collaborators
  • ✅ Review potential participants
  • ✅ View or edit screeners, if permission is granted
  • ✅ Add integrations like Outlook, Google, Zoom, etc. This is helpful for a moderator/facilitator internally who will conduct sessions but doesn't need to be deeply involved in participant recruiting or your Ethnio usage

The permissions are incredibly limited, so  none of the following areas are available to collaborators:

  • 🚫 Incentives
  • 🚫 Account billing or plan
  • 🚫 Pool (for enterprise plans)

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