Team Management, Permissions, and Roles

If you're an account owner or admin in Ethnio, you will see a team section under account >> team. Head there and choose to either share everything with everyone, or assign granular permissions to screeners or Pool. Folders can be handy because you can easily drag and drop screeners into that folder, and know they will be shared automatically without having to mess with permissions.


Share all screeners vs. Granular Permissions

If you'd like to control access for each team member, flip the toggle on the top right of account All Screeners Shared > team to off. This lets you assign granular permissions to any team member by screener or screener folder.

Onboarding options

Some options here for the default settings that control exactly how you invite new people to your Ethnio account:

  • Create a custom welcome message for your organization that displays during new team member account activation
  • Require 1:1 Ethnio training (Enterprise Only)

Click a team member > Edit Permissions

If you want to edit individual permissions, click the name of the team member you'd like to edit permissions, or the three dots on the right and then Edit Permissions.

Select Permissions type

Use the tabs to select the type of permissions you'd like to control. 

Screener Permissions

  • You can require team members to create screeners from an existing template or screeners by enabling Guard Rails
  • If you have toggled off Share All Screeners above, you can activate Granular Screener Permissions, which lets you then define folders or screeners. 
  • View vs Edit - view only does not let the team member make changes to a screener, and Edit gives them full permissions.

Incentives: Monthly Spending Limit

This is where you can add a monthly spending limit. Note that invoice access is controlled from Incentives > Overview > Invoices.

Pool: Limited Access

This is a great way to restrict which Pool members are viewed, edited, or eligible for email distributions. Three really important concepts if you turn on Limited Pool Access:

  1. This person will not be able to create or manage segment folders. They will only view or edit the folders you choose,  
  2. View only - they cannot edit, tag, or email Pool Members. They can just look at Pool Members in the segments or folders you define.
  3. Edit - they have full edit and contact permissions like tag and email.


There are four roles in Ethnio, depending on your plan type. You can limit permissions for team members, and easily grant full access to account admins. The basic definition of each role is as follows:

  • Owner – the single point of contact for billing and account. Has all the controls of an admin but with the addition of plan and usage and the main billing controls.
  • Team Member (Plus plans & higher) – permissions to view screeners or incentives controlled entirely by owner or admins. What they see and can edit in Ethnio is up to you to define per the above settings. 
  • Admin (Enterprise only) – this person can manage team members and control permissions, but has no access to the main billing, which is managed by the owner. This person can add and manage a separate individual credit card from Account >> Billing.
  • Collaborator (Enterprise only) – extremely limited access to PII, but can review participants, connect Zoom & GCal, etc  

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