Why do I pay for pageviews even when an intercept is off?

Ethnio servers get a hit even if your web or app intercept is off, and it creates a lot of traffic cumulatively. Every page load sends a request to our JavaScript that says something like "hey should we show this intercept right now?" Then your intercept status, targeting, and other factors send a response back saying "no, don't show it."

It can creep towards the billions of page views per month, which takes a fair amount of AWS infrastructure to support, and of course costs money. So voila, that's how the pageview tracking works - if you send our servers a ton of traffic, you'll have to pay more, even if you don't have the intercepts turned on.

More detail: Any page where you place ethnio code tracks the number of views to that page, and counts as a pageview every time someone loads that page. It still counts even if your ethnio screener is turned "OFF". 

Note for Enterprise plans - we can roll pageviews into tiers so you can leave Ethnio code live without having to pay for unused traffic. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for teams to get in touch with their customers, especially without having to hassle internal development resources. Contact us to learn more.

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