Participant List for Scheduling
If you'd like to share your total list of scheduled and confirmed participants with reception at your facility or stakeholders, you can share or print out a list automatically with hidden P.I.I. This means you can just get an easy way to view all upcoming participants for a given screener/study and share it internally or externally if needed. You can only share a participant list link without requiring an Ethnio login if all P.I.I. is hidden.
Create the Participant List
Head to Scheduling >> Participant List, and set the date range, choose statuses, and if you'd like to toggle last name and contact info, use the Share button:
Share, View, or Print
Click the share button to either view or share your participant list. This is the view for your stakeholders to see on the participant list. Please note if you need people to give feedback on your participants, that's a whole other feature here called "Get Feedback."
Export & VMS
Click export to download a CSV with or without PII for all your participants. The most common use of this is to send confirmed participants to your security or Visitor Management System (VMS). There's an optional toggle to turn on VMS formatting that should be the correct formatting for most tablet-based reception systems, but please reach out to if you need different VMS formatting.
The Actual Participant List
Once you've either clicked View Shareable Link or hit the print button, you'll see this page: