Pay Flow: Global vs Single Country

The biggest choice in creating a batch of incentive payments is whether you want to lock the reward to a single country or have Ethnio automatically detect the country of your recipients, allowing multiple countries or a global batch of rewards.

The main advantage of using a single country is that you will always know exactly what amount your recipients will get. If you send $75USD they will always get $75 USD. The risk is if you turn out to have a recipient in another country in a single country batch, they will not be able to use the reward and Ethnio cannot change or modify orders that have already been placed.

If you have recipients in multiple countries, it makes more sense to issue a global batch, and just keep in mind Ethnio will automatically detect their country and show them methods for that country. So the same $75 USD reward for a recipient who is in the United Kingdom would be £54.


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